
International Law to Back Up the Will of the World

The column by Mohammad Tarbush (Commentary, Aug. 29) was a well-written assortment of half-truths. He says it was not right for Iraq to invade Kuwait, and that the Kuwaitis should be allowed to return to their homes. He does not mention withdrawing Iraqi troops or reestablishing the only legitimate government.

Tarbush mentions the plight of the Lebanese but not the fact that they are under Syrian occupation. He mentions Israeli “brutality” against Palestinians but not the fact that King Hussein of Jordan held the West Bank for 19 years without allowing the establishment of a Palestinian homeland. Or that Hussein slaughtered 10,000 Palestinians in driving them out of Jordan.

Unmentioned is the simple fact that “Arab Brotherhood” is a farce. There is, and always has been, hostility among Arab leaders in their thirst for expansion. Unmentioned is the fact that there is not one Arab democracy. Unmentioned is the time-honored use of religious and anti-Israel fanaticism by all Arab leadership to keep the people’s minds off their own plight and their leaders’ extravagant life styles.



Sherman Oaks
