
NATION : 3 Plead Guilty in D.C. Bombing

Three leftist radicals pleaded guilty today to bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1983 and conspiring to set off explosions at eight locations as part of a campaign of “armed propaganda” to protest U.S. policies in Grenada and other areas.

Marilyn J. Buck, 42; Linda S. Evans, 43, and Laura J. Whitehorn, 45, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and causing malicious damage to a government building.

The charges carry a maximum sentence of 15 years imprisonment. 28.

The three women pleaded guilty to conspiring to set off bombs at the Capitol and seven other locations in New York and Washington. They also admitted detonating a bomb that blew a hole in a wall outside the U.S. Senate chamber late on Nov. 7, 1983. No one was injured in any of the incidents.
