
Gubernatorial Candidates Should Avoid Numbers Game : Commentary


As the gubernatorial campaign enters the final two months, Republican candidate Pete Wilson and Democrat Dianne Feinstein are moving through the “Hispanic circuit,” speaking to the various statewide organizations in an effort to show their support for issues they perceive to be important to the Latino community.

On one level, their attempt to appeal to the Latino community is very positive and reaffirms the fact that Latinos are a political force in this state. On the other hand, if the debate on how to best serve this community boils down to how many political appointments will be made available by each Administration, we’ll all lose no matter which candidate is elected.

The two candidates should resist the temptation to reduce Latino issues to a numbers game on appointees. You’ll find, for instance, that there are as many Latinos who are appalled by the notion of a quota system as there are those who favor the idea of parity (having Latino appointments on a par with Latinos’ population percentage).


In my mind, we benefit more from leadership that addresses fundamental issues in public policy with concern for equity, as well as access to institutions and adequate services in health and education.

For instance, it does not do the community one bit of good to have Latinos filling posts within the Education Department if double-digit dropout rates persist because of inadequate resources. And what good would be done by appointing a Latino director of the Department of Health Services if there are no funds available to implement AIDS awareness programs or to provide adequate health care for everyone.

If Feinstein and Wilson are sincere in their desire to serve Latinos, they should keep the following perspective in mind:


Given the opportunity, Latinos have the drive and talent to excel. Given the resources, our children can overcome gangs and drugs, two issues that threaten their ability to succeed.

True success is providing access to all. By offering leadership in the areas of education, health care and economic development, you will show Latinos that your commitment goes far beyond selective appointments, quotas, far beyond even parity.
