
Gun Laws and Violent Crime

“Two Killed as Gangs Turn Party Into Battleground” (Part B, Sept. 10) is an unusual headline only in that it understates the carnage, with four other citizens also slain by random shootings by gangs that weekend relegated to short paragraphs at the end of the article.

Have we become that inured to murder on our streets? Are we that indifferent to having our citizens executed on the streets merely because they are on the street? Where are those bleeding hearts who oppose capital punishment for those who inflict it on the innocent?

Shirley Armel (not Arnel), our friend and colleague, an outstanding appraiser in the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office, a person of the highest personal and professional virtues, has been slain. If this senseless, mind-boggling, random violence can be inflicted on Shirley Armel, it can be inflicted on any of us.


Former Los Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis said, “Hang ‘em at the airport.” When will the law-abiding consensus become “Hang ‘em on the spot--it’s us or them!?”

Shirley, we all miss you. Terribly.


Culver City
