
School Funds

This state is most populous in the nation. If California were an independent nation, it would rank in the top 20 financially. Yet we have politicians who year after year hold our children as pawns in their schemes to get back at one another. The recent statements and actions of our leaders in Sacramento are those of spoiled brats, schoolyard bullies, and they would not be tolerated in classrooms.

Gov. Deukmejian proudly stated that during his Administration education spending has risen 65%. This use of figures to cloud the issue again reflects his true commitment to education. How does the governor answer these simple yes/no questions: Does the state spend 65% more per student now than it did eight years ago? Has the state allocated funds to allow schools to keep pace with the rising costs of textbooks, supplies, fuel, etc.? There are many other simple questions which could be asked, but the answer to all is no.


