
Last U.S. Chess Match Game Ends in Draw; Next, France

<i> Associated Press</i>

The last U.S. game of the world chess championship ended in a draw Wednesday, and organizers and observers declared the American segment of the tournament a success.

Game 12 ended after defending champion Garry Kasparov’s 37th move. The draw left Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov tied at 6-6. Each won one game and there were 10 draws.

“There was a lowered expectation about turnout when we started, but we’ve been delighted at how many people showed up from all over the world,” said Adam Black, a spokesman for the tournament organizers. “Interest has not waned. People have called and come from all over.”


The second half of the championship begins on Nov. 24 in Lyons, France. The first player to gain 12 1/2 points wins the championship and $1.7 million of a $3-million purse. Opening ceremonies in France are scheduled for Nov. 23.

Serious chess players and casual observers, paying $25 to $100 for tickets, crowded the Hudson Theater and adjoining Hotel Macklowe in midtown Manhattan for the games.

Grandmaster Patrick Wolff, who did commentary during the matches, said that the first four games could be considered the best first four games in world championship history. But games six through nine were “terrible,” he said. The final games were a slight improvement, Wolff said.


Here are the moves in Game 12 of the championship, with Kasparov playing white:

1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/ Nd7; 10. d4/Bf6; 11. a4/Bb7; 12. Na3/exd4; 13. cxd4/Na5; 14. Ba2/b4; 15. Nc4/Nxc4; 16. Bxc4/Re8; 17. Qb3/Rxe4; 18. Bxf7+/Kh8; 19. Be3/Re7;

20. Bd5/c6; 21. Be6/Nf8; 22. Bg4/a5; 23. Rac1/Ng6; 24. Bh5/Rc8; 25. Bg4/Rb8; 26. Qc2/Rc7; 27. Qf5/Ne7; 28. Qd3/Nd5; 29. Bd2/c5; 30. Be6/Nb6; 31. dxc5/dxc5;

32. Qxd8+/Rxd8; 33. Bf4/Re7; 34. Ng5/Bd5; 35. Bxd5/Rxd5; 36. Rxe7/Bxe7; 37. Re1/Players agree to a draw.
