
The Benefits of Biofeedback

Your article “Breaking the Pain Barrier” (Oct. 28) will be helpful in informing readers about the benefits of biofeedback.

The article stated that the “medical community is still unresponsive.” In the past 18 years as a biofeedback clinician I have seen the medical community become much more responsive to biofeedback. We receive referrals from a wide variety of physicians--from internists and family physicians to orthopedists, cardiologists, rheumatologists, neurologists, and more.

As an adjunct to medical treatment, biofeedback and stress management is prescribed for orthopedic and cardiac conditions, hypertension, stroke rehabilitation, multiple sclerosis, panic disorders, agoraphobia and more in addition to the headaches, Reynaud’s disease and attention deficit disorder mentioned in the article.



Huntington Beach
