
Eased Limits on Child Care Tentatively OKd

The Glendale City Council, which last month rejected a proposed law to encourage the operation of large child-care centers, tentatively approved a limited measure Tuesday that would lift restrictions in all areas except single-family neighborhoods.

City staff members said the new law will streamline the rules for opening large child-care centers in multiple-family neighborhoods and in commercial and industrial zones. It would also reduce the parking requirements for such centers because most parents simply drop off and pick up their children during a brief stop, city officials said.

The new ordinance does not allow centers handling more than 12 children to open in neighborhoods zoned for single-family houses. Council members Carl Raggio and Ginger Bremberg objected to such a proposal Oct. 9, defeating a child-care measure than required four affirmative votes.


The two council members expressed no objections to the revised ordinance Tuesday. It will be returned for final approval next week.

“I haven’t seen any serious concerns on their part about this one,” said Jane Whitaker, president of the Greater Glendale Child Care Council. “We still are very concerned about getting some ordinance on the books that will encourage people to open child-care centers.”
