
Math and Science Education

If the U.S. has failed its children in science and math, it is up to the people to rise to the cause. We do have a problem. Workers of the future have to be good in math and not just in the scientific and engineering arenas. All jobs in the future will require math proficiency. This problem will be solved in the classroom by our teachers. For those not in the classroom, our job is to support those teachers. If we say, “We don’t have the time,” we are saying goodby to the good life. The other nations will catch us and pass us.

If math is boring, something must be done to fix this problem. There exist many programs to make math fun and relevant which are already being used in the classrooms. Our teachers are attending workshops to learn these new techniques. The rest of us seem to be doing little but criticizing. It is high time that everyone get involved with the solution. Most associations, clubs and civic groups have programs to support education. The opportunities are there. It’s time, America, to get off your duff and volunteer! The future of your country may depend on it.

