
Don’t Play on the Tracks

In response to Julie Fine of Reseda’s letter about the injuries and deaths that have occurred since the July start-up of the Blue Line light-rail system, I am appalled to learn that anyone as fuzzy-brained as she could have been on a panel for transportation solutions.

She mentioned a Canadian rail consultant’s projection that during the first year of operation, a light-rail line would experience no deaths, just injuries, and tries to take the consultant to task for what has happened along the BlueLine tracks. What she, and the consultant, fail to take into consideration is that in Southern California there have been bred persons so brainless they don’t realize that a moving train can hurt you.

Don’t parents teach their children anymore that there is a reason not to play on the train tracks? Or that there is a purpose for fencingoff tracks and having signals and crossing arms?


I object to the latest effort to throw money at a problem by allotting $5.1 million to educate and over-protect an idiot element of the population.

Let them get the message on their own that when one of the crossings is indicating an imminent dangerous situation they are to obey, and that a moving train is not to be fooled with.

