
Rose Parade Coverage

Regarding Irv Letofsky’s Jan. 1 TV review, “Things Come Up Roses in Parade Coverage”:

No doubt KTLA had 17 cameras in Pasadena for its combined coverage of the pre-parade show (7-8 a.m.) and the parade. KTTV had a total of 13 cameras for the pre-parade and the parade. Maybe Joe Quasirano was thinking about his pre-parade coverage with reference to using all 17 cameras at once.

We used our 13 for our pre-parade show, but once the parade started, the Tournament House location was of no value for parade coverage unless something had happened to stop the parade at that site. And, in all likelihood, that equipment would have been powered down in preparation for packing up and going back to the barn shortly after 8 a.m.

In covering an event such as this, it isn’t quality so much as position and preparation that counts. I tend to think we have better street location than KTLA, and on a hazy day the advantage of an aerial platform--helicopter or blimp camera--is pretty much wiped out by the lack of picture and color clarity. So that is pretty much a crap shoot from year to year.


BILL FINLAY, Rose Parade producer/director, KTTV, Los Angeles
