
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Funds Likely for Building Renovation

The City Council this week approved spending $70,000 in federal funds to fix up mobile homes and redesign an aging building that senior citizens use for classes and meetings.

The funds, from the federal Housing and Community Development Block Grants program, have been divided into two parts: $45,000 for mobile homes and $25,000 to improve the Lacouague Community Building in the Old Fire Station complex.

Residents who wish to apply for the mobile home funds must fill out applications available at City Hall, said Julia M. Kimminau, a community development assistant. About 20 people who live in the city’s seven mobile home parks are already on a waiting list, Kimminau said. The money is intended to help low- and moderate-income residents.


In Orange County, the median income for a family of four is $55,535. If a family of four’s income falls within 80% to 100% of that amount, it is considered moderate; 50% to 80% of that figure is considered low income, and anything less than 50% is considered very low income, Kimminau said.
