
Commenting on Film Commentary

I usually do not see movies based on the opinions of film critics, but with both the Los Angeles and New York critics choosing “GoodFellas” for best picture (as mentioned in Mathews’ article), I decided to make an exception. I mean, if these two august (and certainly different) groups could agree on this, why shouldn’t I be fairly certain that my $7.50 would expose me to a truly magnificent film? All I can say is: What a mistake!

To me, “GoodFellas” was one of the most violent, foul and, worse, pedestrian movies I have ever seen. Not to mention too long and therefore ultimately boring. This is what has caught the critics’ fancy?

This leads me to believe that critics should not serve (as we recently demanded of our state legislators) more than a specified period of time (five years?) in their positions. I think that the public needs to be spared reviews emanating from the pens of burned-out (and, I’m certain, well-paid) critics who would not admit or have a clue to how seriously their judgment has been impaired by sitting in darkened rooms for far too long.



West Hollywood
