
Make Police Accountable in Slayings

Once again an unarmed person has been killed by an Orange County law enforcement officer, or possibly, officers (“Costa Mesa Man Killed by Police After Car Chase,” Dec. 28). Once again the case will be “reviewed,” and the officer(s) found innocent in the performance of their duty.

Once again the supervisors, mayors and police chiefs of this once great county will sit mute, content to watch the charade from the sidelines, afraid or unable to call for the dramatic change which would end, or severely curtail, this “legal” carnage.

The change? Sweep the Police Review Board clean of its ex-police officers and Rambo DA’s, and install intelligent, fair and objective members of the public, selected in the same manner as members of the grand jury.


The senseless killing of unarmed suspects would soon stop if every law enforcements officer in the county knew his actions would be judged impartially and his career ended if panic, hatred or incompetence ruled his actions.

Once again, alas, expect no change; do expect to read the same story yet again in the new year.

