
Pete Wilson and the Future of California

Your Dec. 30 Opinion section was a waste of paper. Page after page of budget this and budget that. The California budget situation can be condensed into these points:

1) The Legislature is and will be controlled, probably for the next 20-30 years, by tax-and-spend demagogues (the Democrats) in spite of Prop. 140.

2) As long as the governor is a Republican, and, most important, a Republican with guts, there will never be a budget crisis.


These two points can be made because of one item the governor has that the U.S. President doesn’t--the line-item veto.

With the line-item veto, the governor can balance any and all budgets the Legislature comes up with. The critical assumption is, of course, that the governor is willing to do the right thing to keep the budget balanced.

I hope Wilson has the guts necessary to keep the spenders in check.

