Group Addresses Postpartum Depression
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I compliment John Needham on his excellent article, “Dark Side of Childbirth” (Nov. 27). My condolences extend to Gregory Owen Lee on his wife’s suicide. He is now faced with an immensely difficult task of grieving for the loss of his wife and raising a child alone.
Lee said he had never heard of postpartum depression before his wife was diagnosed. He did not mention the national, self-help organization founded to assist others as they suffer postpartum depression and psychosis.
Depression After Delivery (DAD) began in 1985 after the founder suffered postpartum psychosis and a severe depression. She felt isolated and alone, and did not want others to suffer alone. DAD has more than 200 telephone volunteers in the United States and 70 support groups. We are women who suffered postpartum distress, and we volunteer our time to help others who suffer. We educate women and their concerned family members. Women in distress have hope after contacting us; they know that eventually they will recover from their illness.
Depression After Delivery offers packets of information to women, their families and friends who call. It also mails information to professionals who want information about postpartum illness: Depression After Delivery, Box 1282, Morrisville, Pa. 19067; (215) 295-3994.
Pennington, N.J.