
Cheyenne Brando Goes to Paris for Treatment

Actor Marlon Brando’s daughter Cheyenne left Tahiti on Monday for Paris, where she will undergo psychiatric treatment after reported suicide attempts. Brando, 20, reportedly has tried to kill herself twice since her half brother, Christian Brando, killed her Tahitian boyfriend, Dag Drollet, in the actor’s secluded Mulholland Drive home.

Cheyenne Brando boarded an Air France flight to Tokyo. From there, she will fly to Paris and check in to an exclusive clinic, where she will undergo treatment for the depression she has suffered since Drollet’s killing last May, family friends said.

Christian Brando, 32, pleaded guilty last Friday in Los Angeles to voluntary manslaughter, saving himself from standing trial in the highly publicized case. He had been charged with murder.


Prosecutors had been frustrated by their inability to subpoena Cheyenne Brando, their key witness, to testify.
