
COUNTYWIDE : Supervisors OK Across-the-Board Budget Cut of 3%

The County Board of Supervisors agreed Tuesday to order a 3% budget cut to offset expected state funding shortfalls next year.

Supervisor Susan K. Lacey voted against the across-the-board cut, contending that some departments already have made drastic cuts and can’t afford more while other departments might accommodate a higher cut.

Richard Wittenberg, the county’s chief administrative officer, recommended the cuts to establish a $4.5-million reserve.


He said state officials anticipate an $8-billion to $10-billion shortfall next year, which translates into less money for counties.

“We’re trying to accumulate carry-over funds” that would soften the blow of the expected state cuts, he said.

The county’s auditor-controller has projected that the county could face a $6-million to $15-million deficit next year.


“We’re going into some rough water,” Wittenberg said. The downturn in the economy has caused a tremendous increase in the demand for social services, he said.

Department heads will determine their share of the cuts in the $368-million budget.

Bert Bigler, the county’s budget manager, said he doesn’t anticipate any layoffs or program cuts.

Vacant positions may not be filled and equipment may not be purchased, he said.
