
Linkage Issue in Mideast Crisis

In 1939 Hitler sent the Jewish people to the gas ovens. In 1991 Hussein threatens that his retaliation to a United States invasion will be to bomb the Jewish state of Israel. His bombs will be poison gas missiles.

The reasons given for invasion include protecting oil interests, Kuwait, our economy, etc. But the bottom line is again the Jewish people may pay the price for man’s inhumanity to man. By either armed conflict now or a negotiated peace with Arab nations committed to the destruction of Israel later, Israel is headed for destruction.

What a sad commentary that in more than 50 years, nothing changes. Our choice appears to be to bend to blackmail and possibly repeat the events of 1939 or attack and watch the massacre of a people. What a Catch-22 situation!


Is this what we learned from history? So much for progress!


Los Angeles
