
Monrovia : Street Barricade OKd

The City Council on Tuesday approved construction of a temporary barricade on Monrovista Avenue at the intersection Shamrock Avenue to curb drug and gang activity on the block.

Police Chief Joseph A. Santoro, who has waged a campaign to squelch crime and clean up blight on the street for several months, said he hopes that the closure will stop cars from cruising the street, looking for drugs or gang activity.

Of the 53 residences on the block, 31 residents favored the barricade, nine opposed it and 13 could not be contacted, Santoro said.


“If (the barricade) creates a problem, we will be back (to the City Council) getting rid of it,” Santoro said. “If it works, we’ll be back asking to cul-de-sac the street.”
