
Reaction to Mideast War

The war has begun, thanks to our President and our Congress. Shame on us. The sanctions were not given adequate time to work. The diplomatic efforts were too little, too late. Bush wanted a war no matter what and he got it.

The outcome of the war is uncertain at this point but one thing is certain: This war will destroy us. We have no money to pay for it. The governments and corporations that stand to profit by it--by the “liberation” of Kuwait oil, by the production of war machinery and supplies--will not pay the costs of the war. The war will be paid for by the poor, the disadvantaged, the ill, the disabled, by our schools and health care and highways.

If the U.S. wins this war decisively, as it looks as if it might, I will give thanks for all of the thousands of lives that are spared. But in the long run a victory here will just encourage the military-industrial complex to assume that it can solve all future conflicts by force, thus solidifying our role as the policemen of the world.


T. KETA HODGSON, Los Angeles
