
Editor Jailed for Hinting at Jobs Favoritism

The editor of a magazine that advocates multiparty politics in Kenya was charged Tuesday with sedition.

Gitobu Imanyara, a lawyer and editor of the Nairobi Law Monthly, was also accused of violating publishing laws. He pleaded not guilty.

Imanyara, 38, could be sent to prison for 10 years if convicted of sedition. He was arrested Friday, the day the New York-based World Press Review named him International Editor of the Year.


Imanyara implied in an editorial that President Daniel Arap Moi’s tribe, the Kalenjin, was favored in hiring for state-controlled jobs.

The prosecution said the editorial aimed to promote hatred of the government and was likely to provoke violence.

Dominic Martin, a Briton, was accused of printing the magazine without posting the required cash bond.
