
PLATFORM : A Saving Grace


How is it possible for San Diego to accomplish through voluntary means what other cities find difficult through mandatory ones?

Our 85 largest commercial, industrial, military, academic, hotel and multifamily residential users have already signed contracts pledging 30% savings, which would net the city over 5 billion gallons of water.

Under San Diego’s earlier voluntary program, the local media generated millions of dollars worth of public service announcements on how to conserve, announced the city’s weekly savings’ rates to their listeners and featured news stories on imaginative homeowners who saved over 50%. Our local newspaper distributed (for free) over 400,000 water saving kits complete with shower restricters, plastic bags to cut down toilet water usage and instructions on how to measure home conservation.


San Diego has 30 days to show that we can do what San Diego does best--succeed in an unconventional, voluntary way.
