
Record 6,527 Easter Meals Served at Mission

The number of Easter meals served at the Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row reached an all-time high Sunday, with more than 6,500 breakfasts and dinners served to the needy and homeless. Ray McCann, communications director for the mission, said 6,527 meals were dished up, including 4,047 ham dinners and 2,480 breakfasts.

“Last year, we had a very large crowd for Easter meals--2,562 persons,” McCann said. “We knew this year was going to be much larger, but still we were surprised when the number of guests more than doubled. The largest single demographic category to experience a major increase was the number of women and children who came to us for meals,” McCann said.

Statistics provided by the mission indicated that 32 women and children attended Easter dinner at the mission last year. The number jumped to 745 Sunday--295 for breakfast and 450 for dinner.
