
Candidate Deserved Better

Being appalled was the least negative of the reactions of the members of the Democratic Party/San Fernando Valley when they became aware of the humiliation and abasement of Larry Kagele, candidate for election in the 12th City Council District race, at the hands of an overly assiduous manager of a Vons Market.

While we do not support Mr. Kagele in his political aspirations, we bitterly resent the fact that a peaceful and law-abiding citizen, clearly within his First Amendment rights, was manhandled in such an abusive way. For a person of Mr. Kagele’s character to have to stand handcuffed, in full view of the public, for a half-hour is unconscionable.

The “Pruneyard” decision of 1980 by the California Supreme Court and subsequent decisions clearly uphold the right of any citizen to participate in political activities within reasonable limits in a shopping center. Mr. Kagele was clearly operating within reasonable limits.


We hope he sues Vons Markets for a bundle of money.


Panorama City

Knutsen is chairman of the Valley Democratic group’s Political Action Committee .
