
PLATFORM : I Promised That I Would Not Forget

We have to remember that the Holocaust resulted from a systematic and determined effort to exterminate the Jews, using gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. Looking back, it might seem unbelievable that all those death camps were specifically built for no other purpose than to exterminate Jews.

This was a barbaric event that is difficult to conceive and many can’t even believe that it occurred. That’s exactly why it is so important for mankind to know that this took place. Also, we should never minimize or forget the mass execution of Cambodians and other atrocities in the world.

We should remember that the Jews had no weapons and no one wanted to come to their aid. I had to challenge the revisionists because they were promoting a big lie. I had an obligation to my father because I promised him that--if I survived--I would not forget to tell what they did to us. I could not allow this to be shoved under the rug. I hope the movie will set the record straight for students and other individuals who want to know what was done.
