
New Facilities, Approaches Needed in Water Crisis

I am writing to respond to the article “Water Shortages May Close Tap on Growth” (April 14).

The drought has emphatically reminded all responsible Californians that we need to adopt conservation as a way of life. An abundance of a natural resource is no excuse for being wasteful in its use. I applaud your mention of conservation methods and policies.

But I must take issue with the idea that the growth that has occurred in our state over the last few years is solely responsible for the water shortage.


The simple facts are that 1) it hasn’t rained as much as normal, and 2) we have not built enough new facilities to accommodate the increase in population.

It’s time for us all to step up to responsible water use. It’s also time for us to step up to more responsible planning for water facilities, use of reclaimed water and developing new technologies that will satisfy future needs.


Santa Ana
