
COUNTYWIDE : Summer School Seeks Indian Youths

American Indian students are being recruited for a free summer program that emphasizes math, engineering and science.

The program, sponsored by the California Indian Education Center in Ventura, is open to Ojai, Oxnard, Santa Paula and Ventura residents entering grades one through 11 next fall.

“We’re targeting sixth- through ninth-graders,” said Tom Smith, center director.

“We’re academically oriented in trying to get kids on the right course, taking the right classes to get them into college.”


Students will learn scientific problem solving, use a computer linked to the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory near San Francisco and possibly design a new Ventura pier.

The youngsters may visit Point Mugu to see engineering projects and the Santa Ynes Indian Reservation near Solvang, where a similar program will be offered.

The summer school will meet weekday afternoons from July 9 to Aug. 28.

Smith, a retired elementary school principal, another teacher and three aides will work with up to 25 children.


For information, contact the center at 96 MacMillan Ave., Ventura, or call 643-4950.
