
Veto of Gay Rights Bill

This letter is in response to your article regarding my conversation with Wilson on AB 101 (“Little Political Gain Seen for Governor,” Oct. 1).

It should have been noted that I had clearly stated to the governor: “I believe you are wrong, and I especially believe that your staff of advisers are wrong. Gay people are not protected in employment, and your staff has given you the wrong advice.” The Log Cabin clubs have been strong supporters of Wilson and “he has let us down.”

Again, I believe that the governor’s decision was based on bad advice, not on political consequences. I find it absurd to hear that he was concerned about a referendum on the June ballot that would have a negative effect on the election of his handpicked U.S. Senate successor, Sen. John Seymour. If anyone believes that Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) could defeat Seymour in a June primary, they must also believe that dairy cows are now producing Diet Pepsi.



Laguna Beach
