
Supervisors’ Privatization Move Draws Criticism

Ah, what a great time to be a “connected” corporate leader in Orange County (such as those “leaders” who came up with the blueprint for the privatization of some county services).

I believe the county should be a source of fair wages and job security to the very citizens who are paying the bill that allows a county government to exist. What’s wrong with the county giving back to its people a small portion of what it will always require of us?

If it’s truly privatization the board wants, let’s have an election and vote in the management company of our choice. That way we won’t have to worry about the board voting itself a pay increase in less than two minutes, and then being creative enough to never have to bring it up again, and yet guarantee themselves an increase from now on.


As Supervisor (Roger R.) Stanton said about the newly uncovered Sunset Marina deal, “If it doesn’t look good, it probably ain’t good. I just see no redeeming value in this at all.” Ain’t it the truth?

