
South Gate Memoir

I read with great nostalgia your article on South Gate, “Prices Lure Buyers; Friendliness Keeps Them” by Patricia Bennett (Sept. 22)

It was the greatest spot in the country to grow up; lifetime friends; friendly merchants and all of the simplicities of a good life growing up in a small town. I was fortunate enough to be born there--at the Suburban Hospital, which used to be located on Southern Avenue. I was one of three children in the Cady family who attended San Gabriel Avenue School, South Gate Junior High and South Gate High School.

Friendships were abundant, in fact, still are. There seems to be a network of South Gate High graduates out there who still get together and each year the list grows as someone else is “found.” The class of 1950 had its 40th reunion in 1990 and there were 204 people in attendance.


We had a very caring city, school system, parents and community pride and it appears it has remained that way.

