

I was heartened to hear of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s taking responsibility for his faults. Recognizing that one has faults begins the process of correcting them. All action begins with thought, so if Kennedy is thinking he needs to change a few things in his life, it will happen. He only needs to hold those thoughts continually in his mind.

Swaggart has not taken responsibility for his acts. His attitude seems to be that the devil made him do it and that God will forgive him. Jesus taught us that if we forgive our brothers, God also will forgive us. Forgiving our brothers also includes forgiving ourselves. Swaggart hasn’t forgiven himself. He continues to act in such a way that guarantees his punishment.

Both Kennedy and Swaggart are important people. They are important people because of the great number of people they influence. Millions of people look up to them. Setting a shining example is the best thing they can do for both themselves and for the rest of us.


