

Watching Israeli and Arab delegates sitting across the table from each other to negotiate was quite reassuring. Not long ago such a situation was unimaginable.

As an interested observer of developments in that part of the world, I am curious to see if such talks could be duplicated between the Soviet Union and the Afghan resistance. It is time to bring the war in Afghanistan--the last regional conflict in the world that involves the Soviet Union--to an end.

One major stumbling block on the way has been the reluctance of Afghan freedom fighters to negotiate with the Soviet Union, a country that by invading Afghanistan has caused the death of 1.5 million of its people and the destruction of the country. However if the Palestinian and Israelis can sit down and talk, so could Afghans and Soviets now that the Soviet Union has practically abandoned communism, a philosophy that was the cause of this problem. Thousands of lives could be saved everyday.



Buena Park
