
* Bishop Horace W. B. Donegan; Episcopal Reformist

Bishop Horace W. B. Donegan, 91, who fought for the rights of blacks, women and the disabled as Episcopal bishop of New York from 1950 until 1972. Donegan served 22 years in the New York diocese, which included some of the country’s most patrician families. In 1967, he announced that money set aside to complete construction of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the world’s largest Gothic-style cathedral, instead would be given to fund housing projects in nearby Harlem. Construction of the cathedral, which was begun in 1892, resumed in 1973. Donegan, who was born in England, also worked to promote women within the church. In 1971, after the church allowed it, he ordained two women as deacons. On Monday of throat cancer in Sanibel, Fla.
