
ANAHEIM : Bingo Games to Be Held in School Gym

By Sunday night, dozens of anxious visitors are expected to come out of Esperanza High School’s gymnasium, either savoring victories or agonizing over losses.

This time, their cheers and jeers will have been for letters and numbers rather than slam-dunks and free throws. Booster clubs and parents’ groups are launching weekly bingo games in the gym, hoping that the afternoon games of chance will be a much more lucrative way of getting money for school activities than candy sales and carwashes.

The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District board approved the Sunday afternoon games last summer, despite protests from some parents that such gambling activities would be inappropriate. Parents also opposed plans to allow bingo players to smoke during the games.


But supporters point to other high school booster clubs that have used bingo proceeds--as much as $10,000 on some nights--to finance everything from football uniforms to new science labs. And the bingo club plans to have fans pointed at ventilation systems to blow out the smoke.

Each week, a different school group or organization will get a share of the proceeds from the game. About $1,000 in proceeds is expected to come from the first week’s games, to go toward high school entertainment groups.

Organizers expect 250 to 300 players on the first night, each vying to win up to $250 per game. Admission is $20, which pays for all of the afternoon’s games.


A ribbon-cutting ceremony, with the high school band, refreshments and door prizes, will begin at 2 p.m. The games will be held from 3 to 7 p.m., the regular weekly schedule. The school is at 1830 N. Kellogg Drive.

For further information, call (714) 779-7870.
