
Team Name Sure to Elicit Mighty Yuks

I was shocked to hear the name that Disneyland has chosen (for the new hockey team in Southern California): the Mighty Ducks.

Try repeating that name several times. Mighty Ducks. Mighty Ducks. Mighty Ducks. Mighty Ducks. Don’t you feel kind of stupid?

I enjoy a good laugh, but not at the expense of my local hockey team. Can you imagine the comments that may be heard around town? “The franchise sure has put out a lot of money. I hope the ducks fit the bill.” “No. 45 gets the puck. He spreads out his wings and fans on the shot.” “No. 67 gets a slashing penalty and is waddling to the penalty box.” “Two minutes for quacking.”


May I ask that Disney reconsider the name of the team. With the millions of dollars Disney makes every year, maybe they could buy a name from another team. Or even borrow one for a while.

Please, I really do want to support this new team. But please provide me with a name that I am not embarrassed to say out loud. Especially when the entire nation is watching them in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Oh, and one more thing: Please don’t put a duck’s bill on their helmets. I can only take so much. Thanks.



