
Q&A; : Judging Their Rank Along the PC Scale


How politically correct are you?

Mark Peel, owner/chef of Campanile restaurant: “I’m politically correct up to a point. But if you know anything about kitchens, there’s a crass sense of humor that is totally inappropriate in any other setting. I think it’s because food is a basic appetite, like sex. Inevitably, there are jokes when you’re cutting carrots or making sausages. But since we have a lot of women chefs in our kitchen--and they’re just as crass as the men--somehow it becomes politically correct.”

Guy Stroman, Frankie in “Forever Plaid”: “I’m so politically correct that I even ran for President last November. Actually, all of us ‘Plaids’ did. We figured that four could do a better job than one. The main reason we lost is that I look so much like Ross Perot that it confused people. Our campaign slogan was: ‘Better than Bush and Clinton and four times cuter than Perot.’ ”

Lonn Friend, executive editor of RIP magazine: “I’m 36 years old, I have a 3-year-old, I’m Jewish, I’m married to a Catholic girl and I run the nation’s most respected Heavy Metal magazine. How about ‘politically twisted?’ ”


Budd Friedman, founder of the Improvisation comedy club: “I’m so politically correct that three or four years ago I was the first person to bad-mouth Andrew Dice Clay--and that is one bad mouth to bad-mouth.”

Ann Magnuson, actress, star of the one-woman show “You Could Be Home Now” at the Coast Playhouse starting March 18: “It depends on who you talk to at the Village Voice. The words politically correct are not to be used in our household. Left-wing postulating is just as annoying as right-wing postulating. And besides, nothing is more boring than politically correct sex.”

Rudolf, co-designer of Tatou restaurant: “Being German, I was born completely politically incorrect. But I was fortunate enough to live in the ‘60s, so I’m now so ultra-liberal I even understand politically incorrect people.”
