
COUNTERPUNCH LETTERS : When a Relative’s Famous

In response to Lynn Mamet Weisberg’s Counterpunch, “The Downside to Having a Famous Hollywood Relative,” Feb. 8: While relatives of famous, successful people might have to struggle to prove their worth / talent (as she claims), it is more an exception than a rule and a small price to pay for those connections. Don’t forget, other people do not get near a valuable contact that relatives like Weisberg not only meet but sometimes grow up with and can use.

I would have directed a few good films by now. But I haven’t met or known any influential people who I can approach with submissions. My circle of contacts and friends does not include anyone rich enough to invest $10,000 (or more) in my talent to make a short (demo) film. Because of her famous brother, Weisberg has the connections others would kill or die for.


Los Angeles
