
SOUTH COUNTY : Free Labor Pool to Erase Graffiti

Rather than picking up trash on the side of freeways, drivers who prefer to work off their traffic ticket instead of paying a fine can help to eradicate graffiti in South County.

Judges from Municipal Court in Laguna Niguel have told local cities that a free labor pool of traffic offenders is available to fight a rising graffiti problem.

“With the current budgetary problems that cities are facing, this is something that may be useful for South County cities,” Court Marshal Lt. Brian Cossairt said. “We check them in; the cities provide tools and transportation. They’re basically getting the labor for free.”


The alternative sentencing program mainly involves people caught driving with a suspended license and those convicted for graffiti violations. However, work service is available for other traffic offenses, Cossairt said.

An average of a dozen people are available each day, said Cossairt, who has seen the daily work pool vary from five to more than 30 people. Attendance is generally good because those who sign up for the program face arrest if they fail to show up for the work detail.

Currently, only the California Department of Transportation and the city of San Juan Capistrano participate in the work program.


“The judges want other cities to know that this is available,” Cossairt said. “All they have to do is call.”
