
LOS ANGELES COUNTY : 1,500 Employees Placed on Four-Day Workweek

In a budget savings measure, the Board of Supervisors approved a plan Tuesday to place more than 1,500 Los Angeles County workers on a mandatory four-day, 40-hour workweek.

Leaders of Service Employees International Union Local 660 opposed the action, saying it violated a labor contract. The move will apply to employees in the Department of Mental Health and the Internal Services Department.

County officials say they expect to save more than $600,000 in maintenance costs by keeping offices closed one day each week. The county’s budget deficit in the coming fiscal year is expected to exceed $1 billion.


The board also approved a motion to allocate an additional $825,000 for overtime in the Sheriff’s Department. The funds were generated by the sale of farm equipment at the Peter J. Pitchess Honor Ranch near Castaic.
