
LOS ANGELES : Council OKs Job Program for 600 Teen-Agers

More than 600 Los Angeles teen-agers will receive government jobs as early as next month as part of Mayor Tom Bradley’s plan for preventing unrest in the city.

The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday approved a $1-million program, funded by a grant from the state, that will hire 45 students each from 14 schools as part of Bradley’s Neighbor to Neighbor program.

The students will be paid minimum wage to work at schools, government offices and other public facilities. They will be eligible to continue in the jobs at the end of the school year as part of the city’s regular summer youth employment program.


The council put off a vote on a similar program for adults--in which $1.4 million would be spent to place workers in libraries, parks and recreation centers. Councilman Richard Alatorre asked for a delay so he could obtain information about how the workers will be chosen.
