
Gays in the Military

The Rev. Robert L. Morley (“On Rock ‘n’ Roll and Gays in the Military,” Sermon, Voices, March 15) has rightly pointed out that the issue of homosexuality has largely been a matter of the heart rather than a matter of the head in our society. But instead of trying to inject some reason into the debate, he advocates keeping the debate on its current emotional level, stating: “You lead with your heart.” How can we hope to have a better society by asking our citizens to check their brains at the door before they decide the policies that will guide our nation?

Equally disturbing is his assertion that “the biblical commentary about homosexuality is very vague at best. . . .” What is vague about this: “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable” (Leviticus 20:13). Following your heart does not give one license to fool with the facts. Many intelligent people disagree with the Bible or a belief in God, and can do this openly, without any deception or need to distort the evidence. How sad that religious leaders cannot show the same level of integrity as the atheists.


Chaplain, USAF

Edwards AFB
