
Van Nuys Gets Short Shrift

I live in Van Nuys and am writing to draw attention to the sorry state of the L. A. Public Library in the mall next to the Federal Building in Van Nuys.

I realize the city has limited resources, but it doesn’t seem that Van Nuys is getting its fair share.

The branches that serve North Hollywood and the West Valley are dubbed “regional branches” and are four to five times as big. The Van Nuys branch has a minimal amount of reference materials and equipment, and a magazine section that looks more like the waiting room of a doctor’s office.


This is despite the fact that Van Nuys is at the center of the Valley and is expected to house the region’s jails and accommodate all the traffic from the Valley’s governmental administrative offices.

It doesn’t appear that the elected officials who have represented Van Nuys over the years have done much for this area. If you want to attend a movie theater, sporting event, art gallery or visit a shopping mall even, Van Nuys simply doesn’t have it.

If the Beverly Hills Library has any extra books, they ought to donate them to Van Nuys. It’s pathetic.



Van Nuys
