
Xavier Hermosillo

* I am a Mexican-American Republican who served on Barry Goldwater’s campaign staff in 1964 and ran for the House of Representatives in Arizona that same year, the first Mexican-American to run for a statewide office on the Republican ticket.

I wholeheartedly agree with Xavier Hermosillo on the positions he took (“In-Your-Face Style Works Against Hermosillo,” by George Ramos, Aug. 2).

Everywhere one turns in this community, whether it be in the business world, in politics or in the social fabric of Los Angeles, the fact remains we are not, nor have ever been, adequately represented in proportion to our numbers or our importance in Los Angeles.


One can only surmise that the old guard, be they liberals or not, have failed to gain our equal rights in a society which sends its armies around the world supposedly to protect them and die for them. I believe Hermosillo is speaking in our behalf.

If nothing else, the pure weight of numbers, like it or not, will change the landscape!


North Hills
