
The Global Bookstore : ‘Bookstore’ Staff

Beijing: Staff writer David Holley

Berlin: Researchers Petra Falkenberg and Christian Retzlaff

Brussels: Researcher Ann Van Brusselen

Cairo: Staff writer Kim Murphy

Hong Kong: Special correspondent Christine Courtney

Istanbul: Special correspondent Hugh Pope

Jerusalem: Researcher Emily L. Hauser

Johannesburg: Researcher Jaine Roberts

London: Staff writer Bill Tuohy and researcher Fleur Melville

Los Angeles: Staff writer Patt Morrison and researcher Janet Lundblad

Mexico City: Researcher Alejandra Hernandez

Moscow: Researchers Beth Knobel and Jason Andrew Stanford

Nairobi: Staff writer Tammerlin Drummond

Rome: Special correspondent Janet Stobart

Santiago: Staff writer Bill Long

Rio de Janeiro: Special correspondent Mac Margolis

Seoul: Special correspondent Chi Jung Nam

Singapore: Staff writer Charles Wallace

Tokyo: Staff writer Teresa Watanabe

Zagreb: Special correspondent Danica Kirka
