
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Alternative School Programs Backed

Capistrano Unified School District trustees have given preliminary support to four new alternative education programs designed to help students who are at risk of dropping out of school.

In addition to providing assistance to such students, officials said, the programs will help the district financially, because state funding is based on the number of pupils who attend class. During the 1992-93 school year, the district lost about $516,000 because of unexcused absences, truancy and suspensions, according to a district report.

The first proposal would set up a center for special instruction at each middle- and high-school campus to provide an alternative to off-campus suspension. Instead of being suspended for such misconduct as cheating, smoking or defiance of authority, students would be sent to the centers for one to five days. Students who commit more serious instances of misconduct, or who repeatedly commit the same offenses, would still face off-campus suspension or expulsion.


A second proposal would ease the transition for students having difficulty going from elementary to secondary schools. It would establish a “Middle School for Alternative Study.”

Struggling students in grades seven, eight and nine would attend school at the center, where they would work on traditional academic skills, building esteem and their attitude about school.

Under a third proposal, the district is considering establishing a south campus for Serra Continuation High School at San Clemente High School. School officials hope to attract San Clemente students who would refuse to attend continuation school on the San Juan Capistrano campus because of gang rivalries.


A fourth proposal would move various district independent study programs, such as Fresh Start, to several central locations. School officials believe this would create consistency in such programs and keep troublemakers assigned to independent study off the campuses where they caused trouble.
