
What’s Behind ‘Femi-Nazi’ Label?

* Recently, the Rev. Gerald Horan, president of Servite High School, in alluding to expelled student Michael Carter’s use of the term “femi-Nazi” when referring to certain female faculty at Servite in a school campaign speech, said, “It was not the methodology of Jesus to call names at people He didn’t like.”

The Rev. Horan’s analysis of Jesus’ conduct and standards is inaccurate. In dealing with the scribes and Pharisees of His day, Jesus did engage in name-calling at people whose actions He did not like.

His liberal use of the word “hypocrite” to describe the scribes and Pharisees was certainly not to flatter. Jesus was criticizing their legalistic reading of the law. Their positions gave the people no freedom to think or speak.


Is not the Rev. Horan endorsing this same kind of pharisaical chastisement in his handling of Michael Carter’s free speech rights?

The term “femi-Nazi” is defined by Rush Limbaugh as “a feminist to whom the most important thing in life is ensuring that as many abortions as possible occur.”

If Michael Carter is using the term correctly, then I would think parents at Servite should be vigorously questioning school administrators to determine if the abortion agenda is being encouraged by female teachers.



Yorba Linda
