
Santa Monica : 3rd St. to Add Parking Staff

Seeking to alleviate parking meter anxiety for motorists and improve security in parking structures adjacent to the Third Street Promenade, the Santa Monica City Council on Tuesday decided to institute a new attendant-parking system.

Under the system, it will cost a flat $2 fee to park in the structures after 6 p.m. Meters in the structures now charge 50 cents an hour.

To encourage daytime shoppers, the lots will offer two hours of free parking, after which a fee of 60 cents per half-hour will be charged.


It will take six months and $745,000 to convert the six garages to an attendant system. Most of the money will come from developer fees. The new plan is designed to bring in as much money to the city as comes in now.

Attendant parking has long been sought by merchants and property owners at the Third Street Promenade. They report that customers suffering from sudden “meter anxiety” bolt from their stores and restaurants to get to their cars before traffic enforcement officers can pounce.

Attendants are also expected to reduce car theft and vehicle break-ins because the new system will make it harder for thieves to cruise through the structures.
