
THE 1995 FEDERAL BUDGET : On Clinton’s Hit List

Programs that would lose all funding in President Clinton’s spending plan, by department: AGRICULTURE: Savings (in millions) Oilseed export subsides: 50 Cooperative State Research Service, earmarked for buildings and facilities: 51 Rural Development Adm. emergency Community Water Assisstance grants: 11 Farmers Home Adm. state grants: 3 TOTAL: 115 *COMMERCE: Savings (in millions) Cooperative Geodetic Survey: .6 Land Information System: 1.4 Marine observation buoys: .1 Chesapeake Bay observation buoys: .3 Wetlands management demonstration: .8 Algal bloom crisis: .4 Stuttgart aquaculture: .6 Stock management plan: .5 Atlantic bluefin tuna research: .3 U.S./Canada lobster study: .2 Center for Shark Research: .1 Columbia River hatcheries: 10.9 Columbia River smolt: .1 Beluga Whale Committee: .2 Fishery observer training: .1 Export strategies/mahi-mahi: .7 National acid precipitation assessment: 1.4 Wind profiler demonstration network: 4.4 Federal/state weather mod. grants: 2.8 Southeastern storm research: .3 VENTS: 2.5 SE U.S./Caribbean FOCI program: .7 GLERL zebra mussel: .9 Lake Champlain study: .2 Pacific Island technical asst.: .2 Sea grant-zebra mussel: 2.7 National Coastal R&D; Institute: 1.1 National Undersea Research Program: 17.1 Samoa Weather Office: .2 Regional Climate Centers: 3 Charleston Fisheries Lab repairs: .7 Boston Biotechnology Innovation Center: .8 Mystic Maritime Education and Research Center: .8 Alaska Fisheries Center: .4 Beaufort Laboratory: .2 Columbia River facilities: 7.9 Multispecies Aquaculture Center: .4 Oxford Fisheries Lab: .1 Lafayette Fisheries Lab: .6 National Estuarine Research Reserves: .8 Monitor Marine Sanctuary Museum: .1 Indiana State University: .2 Ruth Patrick Science Center: .2 Newport Marine Science Center: 1.4 Fishing vessel obligation guarantees: 0.9 Aircraft procurement and modernization: 6 TOTAL: 76.3 *DEFENSE: Savings (in millions) Begin closure of Uniformed Service University of Health Sciences: 82 Navy CH-53 heavy cargo helicopter procuremnt: 194.1 Navy SH-60B anti-submarine warfare helicopter: 98.5 Navy SH-60F carrier-based anti-submarine warfare helicopter: 59.9 Navy HH-60H combat search and rescue helicopter: 70.1 Air Force F-16 fighter aircraft: 175.7 LANDAT 7 satellite acquisition: 75.9 Follow on early warning system development: 190.3 Spacelifter launch system development: 27.3 TOTAL: 973.8 *EDUCATION: Savings (in millions) Impact Aid 3(b): payments for military dependents: 145.6 Impact Aid 2: payments for federal property: 19.2 Education for native Hawaiians: 7.7 Foreign languages asst. (school improvement): 11.5 Territorial teacher training: 1.7 Ellender Fellowships (Close-up Foundation): 4.5 Fund for the Improvement and Reform of Schools: 9.6 Civic education: 4.2 Follow-through: 9.9 Dropout prevention demonstrations: 43.8 Law-related education (educational improvement): 6.9 Immigrant education formula grant: 34.5 General asst. to the Virgin Islands: 2.7 National writing project (U.C. Berkeley grant): 3.1 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: 8.1 Library demonstration: 3.1 Library literacy: 8.9 Public library construction: 23.4 College library technology: 4.3 Research libraries: 6.4 Library education and training: 5.5 Asst. to Guam: -- State student incentive grants: 72.0 Cooperative education: 14.0 Eisenhower Leadership program: 3.0 Law school clinical experience: 11.0 Federal Perkins Loans capital contribution: 183.0 National early intervention scholarships: -- Teacher corps: -- Gallaudet University construction: 1.0 Bilingual vocation training: 3.0 Vocational education community-based: 10.0 Consumer and homemaking education: 30.0 TOTAL: 691.8 *ENERGY: Savings (in millions) Oil shale, fossil energy R & D: 3.0 Magnetohydrodynamics, fossil energy R & D: 22.0 Atomic vapor laxer isotope separation program, uranium supply and enrichment: 246.0 TOTAL: 271.0 *EPA: Savings (in millions) Clean lakes demonstration program: 5.0 Rural water assistance: 6.0 TOTAL: 11.0 INTERIOR: Savings (in millions) USGS Water Resources Research Institutes: 6.0 BOM Minerals Institutes: 8.2 BIA Community Development (grants): 4.3 BIA direct loan program: 2.5 BIA technical assistance grants: 4.3 Office of Surface Mining Rural Abandoned Mine Program: 13.3 TOTAL: 38.6 *JUSTICE: Savings (in millions) Byrne Anti-Drug Abuse Formal Grant Program: 408.7 TOTAL: 408.7 *NASA: Savings (in millions) Long duration orbiter: 27.0 Commerical experiment transporter: 18.0 Advanced solid rocket motor: 186.0 TOTAL: 231.0 *SMALL BUSINESS: Savings (in millions) Grants for tree planting: 18.0 Earmarked grants: 13.1 TOTAL: 31.1 *STATE DEPARTMENT: Savings (in millions) Bilateral Science and Technology: 4.3 State Justice Institue: 7.0 *TRANSPORTATION: Savings (in millions) Coast Guard / boating safety grants: 33.0 FDA / Local rail freight assistance: 35.0 TOTAL: 68.0 *U. S. INFORMATION AGENCY: Savings (in millions) North South Center: 8.7 GRAND TOTAL (in millions): $2,936.3 Source: Office of Management and Budget
