
Misguided Compassion for Criminals

* I was outraged to read Mr. Parsons’ recent column on crime.

After attacking Collene Campbell, one of California’s most dedicated and courageous heroes in the fight to return balance to our justice system, Parsons concludes that all we can do is hope that when violent criminals get out of prison “their impulse isn’t to go looking for another crime.”

The simple facts are that criminal justice research overwhelmingly shows that the “impulse” of released sexual predators is to continue predation, and the group of criminals Parsons sympathizes with most, three-time cat burglars, continue being burglars.

We know two things with certainty. No known rehabilitation program has produced significant positive results, and the longer violent predators are unable to inflict pain on society, the safer Californians will be.


Liberals urge compassion for the criminals and hope, against all reason, that costly, new prison programs will somehow transform savage child molesters and rapists when they are released.

Those of us focused on public safety urge compassion for the quarter of society who are already victims of violent crimes and the 1 of 2 Californians who will sadly join our ranks in the years ahead if current laws and resulting trend are not changed.

(San Juan Capistrano) Mayor Collene Campbell is deserving of our thanks.

She speaks for so many Californians who can no longer speak for themselves.



Justice for Murder Victims

San Francisco
